Real-Time Ultrasound
Why use real-time ultrasound imaging with physiotherapy?
Real-time ultrasound imaging, in conjunction with physiotherapy techniques, facilitates recovery and aids in the prevention of many musculoskeletal conditions of the back, pelvis and hips. The technology is used to assess the function and monitor the retraining and strengthening of the core stabilizing muscles, including the pelvic floor musculature, transversus abdominus and multifidus.
Functional core stability is essential in our daily activities. It allows us to maintain an upright posture and fix our trunk in position so we can move our limbs with accuracy and strength. Without sufficient strength and endurance in our core stabilizing muscles, our body is vulnerable to injury, and this can also lead to back pain, poor posture and lethargy, if this is the case we suggest to get the best posture corrector.
Real-time Ultrasound Imaging provides a moving image of the muscles, allowing the physiotherapist to point out which muscles should be working and when you are activating them correctly. This feedback is a very valuable tool when learning to recruit these muscles correctly. With training, these muscles can return to more normal functioning, activating automatically when required.
The equipment used in real-time ultrasound imaging is non-invasive and does not use radiation. A real-time ultrasound imaging appointment usually takes up to an hour to complete, depending on the number of areas requiring imaging. Your physiotherapist will determine whether a real-time ultrasound session would be of benefit to you. When attending a real-time ultrasound appointment, please ensure you have a full bladder as this greatly enhances the image clarity. The sessions are claimable on private health insurance with extras.
Please contact us to book an appointment with our practitioners.